
Life NRG has a team of skilled facilitators who know how to bring out the best in people. Facilitation is an art that creates a truly safe space for all individuals to feel included and confident to be themselves.

Our facilitators are different: they engage, awaken insight, disrupt the status quo and at the same time, nurture the positive core.

All have more than twenty years professional experience (and twice that in life experience!). Our facilitators have all worked in corporate environments and also participated in not-for-profit and community-based programs.

They are committed to making a difference to the individuals, groups and organisations they work with by being authentic, present, socially intelligent and by asking powerful questions. They actively listen to the responses and, when necessary, constructively challenge to build reflection and inquiry skills.

Each facilitator focuses on enabling trust and safety to be developed so that participants and groups can be authentic, open, courageous and discuss the ‘real issues’ that need addressing.

They design results-focussed workshops, seminars, programs and meetings using evidence-based research and methodologies to inform their practice.
